SOME SHIT WENT DOWN ON THE weekdne. so on saturday the whole crew and I went to the 16th annual larp war at sunneybrook park. we has been making our costumes/creating our characters for weeks adn weeks in andrews basement. we were gonna pwn everyone. check us out: totes wijked.(im the Druid Box-MOnster. powers include corrugated boxyness.weaknesses: burns easily)

BUT SRSLY WTF!the fucjkuing guys from the gamesworkshop in the eatons center showed up. AFTER they SAID THEY WERENT GOING To!@ THEY TOTES PNWED US!!! nev3er have we felt so embarassed as our powers were no match for theirs. FUCK.evans invisibility sheild deflected all my magic arrows! we will take this defeat and build upon our next battle in trinity belwwodds three weeks from now,. FUCK. check them out: (I admit they relly got uys)

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