Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
TED: interesting talks
A fellow beanpoutiner took a deeper look into the talks and came out with a couple that he thought were worth a defiante look see.
This first one is my fav. sometimes you hear/read something taht flips the way you ahve been thinking.
underwater alien animal thingies
teh geographer in me really enjoyed this visual presentation on poverty
Monday, April 28, 2008
tv shows for watching fun
below is a list of a few TV shows that beanpoutine enjopyed throughtloyu but may have been kinda skipped over by lots of people when they came out. I will add the torrent link for those that download stuff illegally. obviously i ignored the sopranos, deadwoods, etc. if any of the links/torrents suck just message beanpoutine and we will find you a better one.
Carnivale- this HBo two season show really didnt get the supporrt that woulda brought it back for anotyher season. great great sets and art direction. beautiful creepy show. worth a look
Season 1-
Season 2-
The Lost Room- a sci fi channel miniseries that was wayyy under the radar..prolly cause it was on the sci fi channel and didnt have a huge budget n shit. i think the three episodes really had soemthing going for them. very interesting show. bit nerdy.
All three episodes-
Home Movies- this show was the ish. thats right. the ish. fucking dry humour beyond belief. adult cartoon with wit and painful dryness...its a must see. the coach is prolly one of the best characters ever written for a cartoon.
four seasons-
um im sure there are a few more. but ill keep it at these three for now. if anyone needs help with torrents. message me. i can give a personal tutorial n shit. also show you how to dl each individual episode at a time rather then the whole seasons which would take forever.
yourse truly
the internet
Craigslist post of the day #5(im gonna call)
Reply to: sale-659773407@craigslist.orgDate: 2008-04-28, 4:24PM
recently closed down my "stag" shop and i have a few boxes of left over items. There are boxes and boxes of pretty much anything you can imagine (including lingerie). Everything is brand new in original packaging. Meetings will have to be arranged because i don't want strangers coming to house. Please call ASAP. Shanna B. 905 758 0550
Location: King City
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interestsPostingID: 659773407
Friday, April 25, 2008
half ton man doc
new huge project of great interest
have a quick look at deese websites if you dont know what i am talking about(you should.vry srious issue in todays society):
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
the public=stupid
i hate it.....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
nick cage
Movies for you
so everyone likes movies. esp ones that they can stream and watch secretly at work. so heres a website with a whole bunch of the them. some dont work. some do. .
annnnd heres a link to a great disturbing german flick that has recently been remade and is int heatres. FUNNY GAMES
Monday, April 21, 2008
Edward Gorey
Recipe #4: brussel sprouts!
but now I love those green little guys. heres a couple of recipes
-cut off their dirty little nubs and make a slight kris kross cut on their base(standard b-s(brusselsprout) operating procedure fyi). now get them a bit soft by blanching them in some hot water. fry up some bacon in little chunks and then add the sprouts to the pan. later add some lemon juice and a bit of tastey good mustard and a few walnuts and then you are in brussel sprout heaven.
-you can also roast them by cutting them in half and bouncing them around in some olive oil. salt..pepper...lemon zest,,garlic.yum!
-walnuts are always good withh brussel sprouts. as is hard cheese grated ontop. maybe make a salad with some beans or carrots or sumthin.
that is all.
Friday, April 18, 2008
i will amend this post by the end of today with my favs(i havent seen that many)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Cqase study: Cybergoth

i have the list of 15 great goggle and laser gun combos if anyone needs it btw (and the "is he gay or is he cyber? article)

cybergoths hang out with trolls as ios my understanding

hj's from cybergoths can be painful

cybergoth wedding

cybergoth hotties (vry rare)
Craigslist Post of the day #4
Date: 2007-04-15, 11:33PM PDT
get well balloon free, its slowly dying but good for someone you only slightly care about

Location: bend
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

for years i thought i was alone in my clutter and mountains of hotstuff wrappers. but no. there are oterhs like me. i have now joined a support group called clutterers anoynoymous. they are great,. i am on step number 6 presently :Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
the 12 steps can be found here:
i think many people out there deny that they are like me. follow the stops and you can one day be clutter free! and finnally admit to god your disgusting faults
i would appreciate if all you guiys supported me on my quest to become organized and closer to the most uncluttered person ever! God!. thanks pals.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
monks vs fat kids
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
unsold pilots
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
karaoke songs
but i wish i had fo had the balls to go on stage and sing this gem! i needed a lvl 6th confidence boost heh!
Monday, April 7, 2008
some pics of my friends

this is my dad and his friend at my sisters wedding. i think they were high on pcp(he does a lot of it unfortunatly)

just some cool street art

my family being wacky! arent we a bunch of kidders! aunt janey is the best for taking this!

my friend really likes his mustard doesnt he?!(its becoming a problem unfortunately)

we had such a fun day at the porn theater!

i wish he were my friends. what a great cuddle they are having!@

my uncle sherm is kinda weird. he walks around with garlic all the time. i think he may have brain problems. he once threw them at me for playing steppenwolf on the record player at aunt janeys house. i havent seen him since
our robot overlords #2
my answer: No fucking way.
robots suck and will never usurp us as the domuinant power on this here planet. here are my reasons.
1. the need battrys. and they need us to put the battrys in. Can you even imagine a robot walking into a walmart and buying a set of duracells. the simple fact means that robots wuill forever be at our whim. stupid robots.
2. they fall down a lot. cant master the whole bipedialism eh there asimo?
3.humans are better dancers. Compare these two videos.
4.robots cannot yet transform into cars and helicopters. or go bacjk in time to save humanity. or anyrthing of the sort. mostly just fight each otehr on nerd tv.
5. and finnally. robots cannot yet make me bacon for breakfast. untill that happens robots are not to be feared people. so sleep easy for now.
that is all (feel free to add your reasons why robots suck in the comments section)
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Craigslist Post of the day #3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 2007-06-22, 2:58PM MDT
Guess what,
I was cleaning out my closet and I found 47 pairs of BRIGHT NEON MC Hammer pants. I was going to burn them and dance around the flames to try to make it rain or something, but I thought that maybe somebody would want these. They are absolutely the worst pants of all time. I can't remember being stupid enough to buy these, but I must have been. Either that or MC Hammer owes me a bunch of rent money. I have them all in a huge garbage sack sitting on the sidewalk. If you want them you must just come pick up the bag and drive away. If anybody comes up and tears the bag and spills those hideous things into the street where my neighbors can see, I will be very unhappy. Garbage collection is on Monday so if they aren't gone Mr. BFI gets them.
If you want this garbage, email me and I will give you instructions.
Location: Lone Tree
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
things I will do this weekend
2. watch an episode of freaks and geeks while eating yogurt covered raisin.
3. bike to dufferin mall and try and buy a new cellphone.
4. maybe bake a pie. apple raspberry perhaps.
5.go to raptors game tonight and then maybe art show at whippersnapper afterwards. sneak micky into raptors game.
6. visit record store and look for bessi smith record.
7. wash my car
8. shower
Thursday, April 3, 2008
leave the fat kids alone
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Case Study #3: Douchebags(2of10)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
simplified ontological proof of gods existence
God is, by definition, a being greater than anything that can be imagined.
Existence both in reality and in imagination is greater than existence solely in one's imagination.
Therefore, God must exist in reality; if He did not, God would not be a being greater than anything that can be imagined
or in other words
God is that entity than which nothing can be greater.
The concept of God exists in human understanding.
God exists in one's mind but not in reality.
The concept of God's existence is understood in one's mind.
If God existed in reality, it would be a greater thing than God's existence in the mind.
The final step to God's existence is that God in reality must exist.
music sources
good music blog with downloadable songs
archive of CKUT shows.(mcgill radio) bluegrass ramblins on sundays is good. as are many others. click on tjhe little speaker sign
neat little online streaming tool where you pick the type of music and style n such and it plays music,. music