one of beanpoutines earliest posts delved into the forgotten world of the goth( Upon finishing that particular study I was sure that I had good working knowledge of all that is goth. From the very rare hot goth to the subspecies of kilt goth I thought that all the bases were covered. But no. I had ignored the most powerful and elusive goth of them all: the cybergoth. the cybergoth species has the elast amount of literature on them as they often lurk in the nerdy underground called teh itnernet. I attempted to infiltrate one of their lairs(chat forum) but was instantly cast aside as a nOOb. ( one of the chat forums in question can be found at btw) there is little i have learned about the cybergoth but i will release some info for hope that some of my readers can fill in the blanks. are they dangerous? where are their nesting grounds? mating rituals? .....anything people. please. i dont like not knowing bout it all (goths like double negatives) so please are the few pictures and info i was able to gain access to.

i have the list of 15 great goggle and laser gun combos if anyone needs it btw (and the "is he gay or is he cyber? article)

cybergoths hang out with trolls as ios my understanding

hj's from cybergoths can be painful

cybergoth wedding

cybergoth hotties (vry rare)
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