Wednesday, May 28, 2008

dog movie

let me set the scene: 4 am after a ngiht of debauchery(13 hour magic card game in andrews basement) ..i stumbled into friends house and sank into his couch. brain fried. kinda messed up. turned on the tv looking for soemthing to mindlessly watch. turned on tvo or some shit..and my brain was blwon. BLOWN. by this movie: it was like real long too: best thing ever. awesome. this paragraph is kinda fucked cause i cant express how amazing this movie is.


Anonymous said...

OH MAN!!! I saw this the other day and I lost my shit!!! It's hilarious and cruel at the same time. And after having seen it I couldn't find it anymore.
Thank Jeebus for you Mr. Internet

-Your #1 fan and not so secret admirer

Anonymous said...

I found out this movie is called: The big dog house. It is "One of nine rare "Dogville" comedies". Need to get on this and buy/obtain them all for when I need a comedic pick-me-up.

old man garnet

Anonymous said...

Holy shit!
Not only are there 8 other dogville movies out there, but the use the SAME cast of dogs in each one!
Youtube: "So quiet on the canine front"

Anonymous said...

somewhat disappointing the wwi german troops aren't german shepards with spikey helmets on

beanpoutine said...

k guys, we are gonna find this movie and rent it and get really drunk and have lots of fun.

within next week or so dogville movie party happening.

beanpoutine said...

apprently they have never been released onto video. boo.

beanpoutine said...

whoa,. i found them. ordering now.

Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory