Thursday, June 19, 2008

Case Study: FURRIES

i would like to fonfess something to my faithful readers. something ive been trying to get off my chest for years(no not that im a clutterer)
I am a furry.( ) and im not ashamed opf it anymore!
i go by the name "sparkles" am and furry and proud. heres a pic of me at one of the local furry/normals dances at the legion:

i understand that some of you may be uncomforatble with this. but dont worry(i dont sratch!). hehe for those that are uncomfortable heres some info/pics taht will show you that furries are as normal as anyone else(cept goths) and love having fun!

"theyre not people"

and a bunch of pics here:!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suggestion for further investigation:
Cuddle Parties. Known to be associated with the 'furry' sub-culture.