obviously i dont mean tv shows here people but shit that is quickly becoming lame. so here we go.
6. fixed gear fashion bikes: when something like a bike becomes a fashion acessory by a bunch of preening nerdballs who just started biking 2 months ago to fit in with the equally annoying couriers you know its all about to jump the shark and become a tag for lameness.

5. those neckscarve things: they actually mean something. like soemthing realt. arab militancy possibly. now usually worn in the summer by oblivious cold necked fatnecks. and by rachel ray.http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-rachael-ray-dunkin-donuts,0,6304563.story
4.neon: i understand. we all romanticisze our childhood n shit but fucking give up on the neon. neon is the fashion equivalent to bellbottoms. just wait people(nu ravers/hipsters). wait till you see the pics in 10 year. this is what youll see:

3. poison ivyL cause i got it on me face and it was annoying. prolly wont actually jump the shark though. it iches. a lot.
3.(tie) allover prints: you look like a rertarded jigsaw puzzle brah. i dont think i gotta post a pic cause that shits been jumped.
2.new era strait brimmed hats: geez this is a biggie. you know its about to do it when every lame ass fucking 14 year old from moosanee to windsor is wearing that shit. baa baa baa baa. i give them this much..they have lasted longer then meshbacks. but wait. soon the jumping starts.

1. punky brewster:
1 comment:
thanks for all the info! it was very useful! i will alter my lifestyle as a result!
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