Thursday, July 10, 2008

good morning interwebs

so I woke up this morning super fucking hungry. the shitty pizza I had the night b4 at the rush coincert (see below) was burinning a hole in me stomach. so i stumbled into our newly cleaned kitchen to chow down on a bowl of honey almond granola. yum. i grab the bowl. pull the granola down from ontop of the fridge..pour...when....A FUCKING huge moth flies out of the granola bag into my bowl. HUGE. like wtf lolz!? is this the life i am living. where moths attack me at my weakest moment. kill me. please


so im sitting in my office right now and out my huge window(im a big wig at the cracker factory) there are these two ropes shakeing around n stuff. coming from one of those window cleaning units. so I know that at some poiint today there will be a dude staring right at me cleaning my window. it will probably be awkward. should i drop my blinds now? preemtively? would save me from trying not to make eye contact.

please help interwebs. help meeeeeeeeeee


Dougal said...

put something on the inner surface of the window and see if he tries to do some extra scrubbing on it.

put a post-it note propositioning him on the window with a co-worker's phone extension and then close the blinds.

flash him

Anonymous said...

this made me laugh

Anonymous said...

beanpoutine! you crack me up cuz yer real, yo