in the latest report from that department a startling piece of internet has been found. nearly half of all our millions of hits comes from one source: pooping in a groundhog hole.

about a month ago we had a craigslist post of the week of some dude complaining about his neighbors activities:
ever since that post we have been getting hits from fliping everywhere. istanbul, australia, great britain. all people searching for info on google on how to poop in a groundhog hole. for some reason this website pops up(the webz are a mysterious thing people). check it out:
as a result of these finidings we are going to slowly change beanpoutine to be more groundhogcentric. internets only about groundhogs and how to poop in their holes.
that is all. thank you for your interest.
You know what's next: some good ol'fashioned man-on-the-street journalism. You're going to either have to find a groundhog-hole-pooper, or find a groundhog hole and finish the story yourself.
Just make sure you don't confuse the groundhog for a squirrel out gathering nuts...
thats what I call a pun!
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