Sunday, March 9, 2008


only like 2 days into this here blog some shit went down. They censored me. They blocked my blog. The truth scared them. By them I mean google. So apparently you aren;t allowed to post explicit tranny porn in the blogspots.

nah all kidding aside I think they blocked me cause they thought this thing was spam or something. Anywho. So this post is gonna be dedicated to something very near and dear to my heart: people screwing up on the home shopping network. the hilarity of it all is unfuckingdeniable. Chek it.

This first one is probably one of the most hilarious things to ever happen ever:

Heres a good one too. notice how he continues to try and ride it out even though he knows the thing is fucked. what a tardbag.



I could do this all day people. the funny is never ending.

your pal,

the internet


beanpoutine said...

looks like you havent done much since graduating from school! you should move to ancaster and work in a macs milk you useless self aggrandizing nerdfart.

Anonymous said...

hey listen..just walk right up!