Thursday, March 6, 2008


so based upon the glorious success of 14 annual 56 wales Chili con carnival I am going to post my secret recipe to my white chicken chili:

So the ingridients in no particular order are:

a handful of ground chicken
one chicken breast or thigh. whatevs
one onion
one yellow pepper
like 16 ozs of diced tomatos in can
can of drained white kidney beans
like a cup of chicken broth
some garlic
small can of green chilies
can of tomatillos(whole green tomato in can)
bit o sugar
cayenne or some flakes of chili peps
bit o celery seed perhaps
perhaps some cumin or garlic salt

ok so cut up the following into smallish thingies. yellow pepper. onion. garlic. then afterwards the chicken breast.

fry the garlic and brown the ground chicken and the small peices of chicken breast. throw in little sprinkles of garlic salt. oregano. cayenne. and then when the chicken is nicely mostly cooked throw it into a crock pot or a pot.

then put in rest of ingridients.(can of chili, diced tomatoes, beans, spices. yellow pepper, onion) chop up the chilies and dont overdo any of the spices. but they are kinda like not really essential. its whether you have them. also if you like more beans..put more beans in. white beans are needed. navy beans. drain them though. chop up tomatillos and put in aswell. ( i spose if you cant find them you can use a can of stewed tomatoe)

if you put it in a crock pot let it simmer for a bunch o hours. if in a least 1-2 hours would be good. maybe less chicken broth if in normal pot or you want it to be done fast n shit. and you might need to thicken it a bit late in the cooking process with some corstarch or flower or something(mix in cold water first b4 adding). Thats pretty much it. i think. maybe a bit of sugar if it tastes kinda shitty near the end. put sharp cheddar on top.
if you die. blame not me. wash hands n such.

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beanpoutine said...
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